
“One aspect of a thesis is to inspire somebody to want to continue on a research journey, or to at the very least understand the significance of research and the time and energy that goes into it. Also, let’s not forget the significance of those epiphanies that happen within research, allowing the student both to discover the experience for themselves but also to have some empathy and appreciation for those epiphanies of others.

So, inspiration is something that can be achieved by a thesis. Unfortunately, we know that that isn’t always the case. Quite the opposite, in fact. Writing a thesis can feel as if you’re a slave to the thesis and a slave to the ideas of others. This ideal achievement that some theses manage to realize can be lost. At the very least, the thesis should serve as some kind of ticket to somewhere else. But it remains true that a thesis can be a beacon of inspiration around the beautiful world of research. Here, it is important not to forget that it is an amazing privilege to actually have the opportunity to engage in deep thinking and research, whatever the discipline.”

(Kim Beasy)


Perspectives upon knowledge


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