“Supervisors are part of this invisible debate by being part of academia. We have a thesis defence and I try to challenge my students and hope they challenge me as well. It is a matter of convincing each other. This is to be regarded a privilege. As a supervisor, I am as much a student as my student. This is the definition of good research because it involves people who are trying to learn together and from each other. I can only learn from them if they defend their work and put things in context and seeing the limitations of it. To be open to this kind of debate, to subject oneself to it, is crucial as one embarks on the thesis. I see too many students who ask the supervisor as to what they are writing is right. This is the wrong question to ask. They should write something that they are convinced about, based on the research they have done. And that must be so strong, that they can defend it.”

(Ansgar Richter)




Helpful scrutiny