Power and agency

“While I am a strong proponent of structural change for the better in universities, I want to emphasize the power and agency that students themselves can have within the system. This begins with recognizing the agency that you have to create change for yourself. And I think if we put students in a position of disempowerment and oppression through an academic system, that’s not a very productive or a good feeling. Then they are just trapped and there is not much they can do.

While I think the university structure needs to change, agency is equally important, and the student voice in advocating that change and leading some of it is not only important but is also one of the most effective ways to create change within institutions. We know that academic senates and academic committees and, you know, institutional managers tend not to listen to academic staff. But if the customers—that is, the students—have something to say and can rally around a particular issue with enough voice and enough impetus, then it is possible to create change that way. And I think in terms of how do you not get chewed up at the other end? It’s about advocating for your rights and, where there is an issue, trying to ensure students don’t feel powerless about whatever is happening.”

(Kim Beasy)


Constructing knowledge


Power gap